Monday, 2 December 2019


Posted June 10, Everything can be improved. I was in a confined room with a bunch of pillars. When you're browsing records for a map or player, the URL in the address bar will change respectively. There has been some confusion on how we calculate average rank. jumpmaze

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Jumpmwze jumpmaze developed much work has been made to give jumping more of a purpose including a ranking system for competitive play. As a result I'm constantly asked all sorts of questions and useful information can be quite scarce, hence me making this thread so that all information can be contained in one place for now on.

Sign up for a new account in our community. Showing records for players that are not logged in is considered obsolete, is not and probably will not be a planned feature. I am here today to give some information about the stats page mostly.

Please also find us at doomjump on the Zandronum IRC network. There is also another jumpmaze mappack called JumpTown which is being worked on.


Add the following to your config thanks for reminding me Otaru: There is always room for improvement, so write about any bugs you find or any suggestions you have. However later maps and later projects became more racing orientatedand the gameplay evolved to reflect this.


Last edited by Hypnotoad on Thu Dec 11, Use an Auth Jumomaze For Logins: Luk is available for both Windows and Linux, 32 bit and 64 bit. Posted June 9, The all around genius now known as Cyber, already an experienced rocket jumper and rocketjump mapper, decided to start the first megawad dedicated to pure platforming for skulltag, known as jumpmaze.

There has been some confusion on how we calculate average rank. Click on a copyright notice on bottom left to read legal information.

In order to have your times saved, you will need to register an account with the auth server that the server points to, this is super simple.

Now, not only is the map record stored, but your and everyone else's personal all time best time is stored for each map as well, which will be displayed on jumpmaaze screen.

You can copy URL and send it to someone or post it somewhere. Maps, modifications, add-ons, projects, and other releases for Zandronum.

My DooM 2 Jumpmaze Map - WADs & Mods - Doomworld

I haven't been on this forum for long I simply don't like forumsbut now it's time to get some activity. The source and required libraries for all of this can be found inside the latest Jumpmaze 2 pk3 scripts and ACS foldersplus further jukpmaze information on these scripts can be found inside the doc folder in the pk3, however the scripts themselves should be well commented.


The maze in its name is a result of the project initially being more puzzle orientatedwith the maps being somewhat 'maze-like'. Luk is free and open source, and the source can also be found within the luk folder.

for ZDOOM - Wad Archive

Show some respect to the developers! I was in a confined room with a bunch of pillars. However, I think it should display the times like it does in game xx: Im new to providing useful information that people would need in order to play maps properly, which would be the readme file Ive included in the download. If a player haven't completed a single map from the set, he will not be displayed in the list. Sign In Sign Up. What the FUCK is luk? Anyways, why is my crappy NJM still on?

You can also now use puke in console to get a list of the top 10 historical best times on the map note that this doesn't apply to team mapsbut your own personal best, even if it is outside the top 10, will still receive a ranking! Planned for rev6 List of features planned for the next revision: What do I do after I get to the little island thing with the hills though?

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