Tuesday, 3 December 2019


I want the D. Racist joke from my boyfriend 2. All in all, my feet are a wreck. Last chance to get a decent score. I just hope my writing is good enough. strugglin lil b

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I cant do shittttt. Physical shape…my body is breaking down like…fast. Be thankful for the hard times you go through; right now they may feel like they're breaking you, but they're definitely building you at the same time I feel totally disconnected from everything, from life… Everything happening around me. I just had to write everything mostly everything down somewhere and tumblr is awesome at listening so strrugglin I am.

Finals week is out for blood rn.

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Because my confidence got shattered from playing that and playing number four had too much pressure for me. Someone inspire me to write something. I would like to request that all of tumblr quit posting food pictures for the remainder of the day.

Before it gets to me.

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Log in Sign up. I need to figure out how to rest my body or at least heal it faster. So much has been happening.

Lil B Strugglin rap birthday. Racist joke from my boyfriend 2.

I literally just want to give my Pokemon trainer blue hair come on Nintendo. All you dark haired girls get to do your beautiful eyebrows and im stuck here with blonde ass eyebrows.

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I just want to go to lik good college where I can be proud of myself. Just want some good things to happen. I don't know why my school decides to take science courses so seriously. All in all, my feet are a wreck.

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College…Apps ztrugglin nerve wrecking. But I know I want some things so I have motivation for that? Can I pick you up? Want to see more posts tagged strugglin? Worst case scenario right now. Mali and her wise words Deep conversations Struggle town Strugglin. My mind is so jumbled right now…nothing makes sense. I love giving klonopin to people who have never taken them. If you could have seen her face, it was like she was killing me with her eyes. Feel free to add more.

My heart aches for you. Cause i wanna be that someone for you. June 7, Audio:

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