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Status Not open for further replies. Go To Topic Listing. CrixzGamez New Member Oct 23, Should be able to open AH. I use the new instructions and it works fine. dayz epoch infistar

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Epoch and InfiSTAR - General Discussion. - Epoch Mod Community

I have been using infiStar for a lonnnnnnnnnng time. None of us can get it to work. Open world survival mod set just two years after the mass extinction of billions of people. No problem, I've had to mess with mine about a dozen times now trying to figure it out and I've got a better hang of it now.

dayz epoch infistar

Are you using the lastest version and installing it correctly, as it recently changed. Does that mean, when you removing the filters complete, you got still kicked? Paste as plain text instead. Maybe I can help you find infiztar. Also change resec and antihack to 0 in your init. This error has been chasing me for 2 days now. Posted March 11, Maybe you are breaking the server functions somehow.

Not sure, but it says this, Code:. CrixzGamez New Epoh Oct 23, Hostile Environment with several different types of antagonists, Air and Water temperature extremes, and Earthquakes. First you'll have to buy it through the link I provided above, then you'll get an email with a download link to get the files. I completely forgot about helping you yesturday, my bust, I've set an alarm on my phone to remind me to get on skype and add you to help out tonight.

You can even take control of other people.

Full version of Infistar with ArmA

This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. I use the new instructions and it works fine. Use the battle filter form infistar. Upload or insert images from URL.

I vaguely recall somewhere in the AH. Posted March 10, With no filters at all you cant get kicked for that. No matter if the server runs without filters, with vanilla filters, epoch filters or overwatch filters, we get the same error.

infiSTAR AntiHack/Admin Tool install, need help | Open DayZ Community

Join the conversation You can post now and register later. But what the heck is this in my RPT?

Then it would kick them out. New error version in the RPT log: Forums New posts Search forums.

dayz epoch infistar

The battleye folder is empty on gtx "I had the same problem" I kept getting kicks, they day to have put the filters in a SC folder as stated by tang0. If yes, then you removed the wrong filters from the wrong battleye folder. But good things come to those who wait, right? Try to survive, build, or explore your way through the harsh dynamic environment.

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