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George Shoots the Dragon After many years of marriage, Vera and Mica decide to divorce. Full Cast and Crew. Edit Did You Know? Start your free trial. domaci film jesen stize dunjo moja

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Vlasnik carde as Branislav Brstina Milica Milsa Share this Rating Title: Use the HTML below.

Goose Feather () - IMDb

Browse free movies and TV series. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends.

Photos Add Image Add an image Do you have any images for this title? But, neither Vera nor Mica want to leave the apartment, and their daughters, Maja and Janja. Black Horses is a film about the destiny of Serbian people who are forced to endure the "rule from the North" against their will.

The show's plot revolves around humorous situations involving three generations of the Fazlinovic family living in a Sarajevo apartment. Was this review helpful to you? Enjoy a night in with these popular movies available to stream now with Prime Video.

Dailymotion Video Player - Jesen stize, dunjo moja / Domaci film II. od II Deo

Goose Feather 6. As I find it to be the case with many foreign films, the art direction in this film is wonderful. Also, it somewhat resembled Wuthering Heights. We Are Not Angels 2 Jeen has a son Faruk, who in turn has a son Damir. Since I don't get to dlmaci many foreign films on the silver screen, It was a rare treat. Tears for Sale Ljubav, navika, panika — He moves to another village and starts drinking Rating out of 5 Acting: Start your free trial.

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Savin otac as Voja Brajovic Predrag Ejdus George Shoots the Dragon Edit Cast Cast overview, first billed only: Gospodja Blavacki Slobodan 'Boda' Ninkovic The storyline was pretty good, but I found it to be a little jumpy. Learn more More Like This. Story of two sisters that grew up in a small Serbian village in the beginning of dujo s.

However, it had a unique Balkan spin, and half the theatre was in tears by the end.

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Srecni ljudi TV Series I've had the privilege of viewing this film on the silver screen, as a part of a Serbian Film Festival. Search for " Jesen stize, dunjo moja " on Amazon.

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Yes No Report this. Ancica Granfild Marija Karan

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