Saturday 16 November 2019


You can download them for easy use. We do not accept third party payments. According to an undated document on the TLG's web site, the total number of Greek words amounts to million, [2] while the number of unique wordforms amount to 1. Retrieved from " https: Should you require assistance, support is available in several ways. Additional information The TLG does not make use of commercial vendors. A Frequently Asked Questions page. tlg thesaurus linguae graecae

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By the late s, it became obvious that the old Ibycus technology was outdated. Javascript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. As of Octoberwe are no longer offering this type of subscription. Links to online translations. More recent projects include the lemmatization of the Greek corpus — a substantial undertaking, given the highly inflectional nature of the Greek language and the complexity of the corpus, covering more than two millennia of literary development — and the Online Liddell—Scott—Jones Greek—English Lexicon commonly referred to as the LSJreleased in February Intertextual Phrase Matching n-grams Select two texts and view their common N-grams Statistics View statistics information for the whole corpus as a list or as a diagram or for a specific time period Display statistical information for each author Display statistical information for each word Display use of each word by geographic region Lexica Links to online lexica maintained by the TLG: We do not accept third party payments.

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae - Wikipedia

A Digital Library of Greek Literature. Expanded Text Search with a streamlined interface Word, Lemma and Textual Search for one word or several graaecae in proximity.

Skip to main content. No subscription is needed but visitors will be graecad to create a guest account and login with a user name and password. Additional information The TLG does not make use of commercial vendors. You can download them for easy use. Under the direction of Professor Maria Pantelia, a number of new projects were undertaken, including the massive migration out of the Ibycus, the development of a new state of the art system to digitize, proofread, and manage the textual collection, a new CD-ROM TLG Ereleased inand eventually the move of the corpus to the web environment in Subsequent versions were released in and inthanks to technical support provided by David W.

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae

At the end of the licensing period, users may elect to cancel their subscription or renew it. Javascript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This page was last edited on 17 Septemberat Please note that Help Files may be updated from time to time.

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae

The top bar provides navigation to various pages and search functions. The new Online TLG includes a number of new and enhanced features. The cost of this subscription depends on the size of the institution total number of FTEs and the number of anticipated users.

Since its inception the project has collected and digitized most texts written in Greek from Homer 8 c.

Canon bibliographies Expanded bibliographical information Ability to search ALL Canon fields or limit a search by author, work, editor, publication title, series or year of publication.

Institutions must contact our office to request subscription information. A list of Help files is provided in this page.

tlg thesaurus linguae graecae

In the past we offered subscriptions limited to a small number of workstations. Javascript must be enabled in order for you to use this site. It provides access to the most important classical authors and a large number of patristic texts. All bibliographical information and a graevae of the texts are available to the general public.

Please note the payment must be made with your personal credit card.

tlg thesaurus linguae graecae

At the same time, grascae TLG undertook the project of working with the Unicode Technical Committee to include all characters needed to encode and display Greek in the Unicode standard. Links to morphological information and lexica.

In spring the TLG-team developed its own search engine and made the corpus available online. Ability to search the text you are browsing. Views Read Edit View history.

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